Why should we opt for Electric Vehicles over Conventional Vehicles and Will India become 100% EV usage country by 2030?

We belong to an era in which first electric vehicles were just a dream/fantasy idea, later it became a theoretical concept, then first practical electric vehicles were launched and now finally the government has decided to go with electric vehicles as the future form of mobility by phasing out the production of petrol/diesel vehicles by the year 2030.

This article orients towards breaking the myth behind the usage of electric vehicles, by briefing about the challenges as well as benefits of using Electric Vehicles.

What are Electric Vehicles?

Electric Vehicles are none other then our common transportation vehicles like bikes, cars, buses, trains, etc. that uses electricity as a fuel instead of conventional fuels like petrol and diesel.

Why should we shift to Electric Vehicles?

We all know that crude oil from which petrol and diesel are extracted is a limited resource in the world. As per the reports of OPEC in 2020, we have 1.3 trillion barrel capacity of oil reserves. We are extracting crude oil at a capacity of 30 billion barrels a year. This means we will run out of crude oil in the next 50 years.

This raises an alarming situation that we just have to move on towards an alternate everlasting source of fuels for our vehicles. Such a quest resulted in Electricity as a fuel solution. Everyone is aware of the use and effectiveness of electricity and it can be generated without fossil fuels too.

National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020 (NEMMP-2020)

The Government of India launched National Electric Mobility Mission Plan in the year 2013.  This laid the foundation for the Electric Vehicle market in India. The main objective of this mission was to achieve fuel security for the nation by replacing petrol and diesel vehicles with Electric Vehicles along with a reduction in environmental impacts on the environment.

The Government has targeted a sale of 6 – 7 million Electric or Hybrid Vehicles by the year 2020. Under NEMMP- 2020, the government has rolled out another scheme called “Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) scheme” to promote manufacturing of electric and hybrid vehicle technology.

In 2017, Transport Ministry announced that India has intended to move towards 100% electric mobility within the year 2030.

Steps taken to promote Electric Vehicles

  • GST rates on Electric Vehicles have been reduced from 12% to 5%
  • Income Tax reduction up to 1.5 lakh for the loan amount taken for purchasing E-Vehicles
  • Huge Investment on Infrastructure development like EV Charging facilities for public usage
  • Incentives for E-Vehicle Manufacturers for economic support until the EV market reaches a self-sustaining stage

Electric Vehicles Myth Vs Reality

There are certain myths around the society about E-vehicles, which makes the new customers avoid E-Vehicles. Let us see the truth behind them.

Myth 1: Even If we switch to E-Vehicles, the pollution level does not fall off because Electricity comes from coal-based power plants

Truth: Out of 100% of the total energy generation in India, only 62.2% is based on thermal power plants, the remaining energy generation comprises of 23.6% renewable energy, 12.6% hydropower and 1.8% nuclear power. Since the introduction of the National Solar Mission, renewable energy has been at a steady increase. Soon Renewable Energy may exceed Thermal Power, thus reducing impacts on the environment.

Myth 2: Electric Vehicles may not be able to cover a longer distance range. What if the battery drains midway?

Truth: There are Electric Vehicles available in the market, which can cover a minimum range of 100 – 150 kms for a single Charge. Moreover, not usually everyone travels more than this distance every day. Even If it drains away, as we have already seen, our government has started investing heavily in Public E-Vehicle Charging facilities like petrol bunks. Soon we may have E-Vehicle Charging facilities available to the public.

Myth 3: Batteries from Electric cars will create a recycling problem

Truth: Electric cars use Lithium-Ion batteries instead of Lead Acid batteries, which will last long and can be recycled effectively

Myth 4: If everyone switches to Electric Cars, the Electric grid may collapse

Truth: There is no need for additional development of Electric grids as the nighttime/ off-peak, the capacity of the grid alone itself is enough to charge EVs. EV charging infrastructure is a power socket in-home and usually, everyone will charge the EV during nighttime because of its usage during the day.

Advantages of Using Electric Vehicles

  • Fuel cost savings as electricity is much cheaper compared to conventional fuels like petrol and diesel
  • Reduction of vehicular emissions, thus resulting in better air quality and environment
  • Electric Vehicles are energy independent if we have our own solar PV system to charge vehicle
  • Lower Maintenance cost
  • Highly Energy efficient as Electric Vehicles have a conversion efficiency of 80%, while Internal Combustion Engines have a conversion efficiency of only 35%

Limitations of Using Electric Vehicles

  • Charging time is high compared to the refilling of fuels
  • The driving range is limited and it will be a particular issue for long-distance trips as we have to halt at regular intervals for charging
  • Public EV Charging stations will be limited as we travel for rural trips. However, the case may soon take a turn because of governments huge interest and investment

Additional Information

  • The Chief Minister of Delhi Shri. Arvind Kejriwal announced the Delhi Electric Vehicle Policy on 7th August 2020. The objective of this policy was to raise the number of Electric Vehicle users by 25% in the National Capital Region, which is currently 0.29%. 
  • He also has announced financial incentives for promoting the sale of E-Vehicles by waiving of Registration fees, Road tax for new E-Vehicles, 1.5 Lakhs Rupees subsidy for purchasing Electric cars and 30 Thousand Rupees subsidy for purchasing Electric bikes, auto-rickshaws, and freight vehicles 
  • Some of the latest best electric cars can be checked at Latest Electric Cars - 2020 
  • Some of the latest best electric bikes can be checked at Latest Electric Bikes - 2020

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